All the printables you need for the reading portions of Montessori Primary Casa (3-6). This Reading portion is the 3rd of 4 segments for the Primary Montessori Language Arts.
- Spoken and Extensions (for the entire 2.5-6 range)
- Writing (can begin at 2.5/3 with the sound games)
- Reading Skills (begins when the child is comfortable with creative writing on the movable alphabet)
- Reading Comprehension (begins after the Reading sequence)
This sequence has been utilized for many languages in AMI (American Montessori Internationale) and is summarized in a 1970's booklet by Ms. Muriel Dwyer.
These reading experiences follow the writing activities (see an AMI-style complete Language album such as Keys of the World Language Arts or see our separate listing for just the writing components).
Included are all of the following - over 265 pages:
- Album pages - the "how-to" - that explain how to use each material (as well as additional experiences that require no materials). 80 pages of instruction and diagrams for the chapters on Phonetic Reading, Phonogram Reading, Puzzle Words, Reading Classification
- Handwriting chart showing cursive with print (remaining handwriting charts in the writing section)
- Phonetic Reading Cards
- Phonetic Reading Commands
- Phonetic Rhyming Words
- Phonogram Chart: showing the materials for each phonogram
- Phonogram Movable Alphabet sets
- Phonogram Booklets (printable in two sizes)
- Phonogram Cards (word lists, dictation lists)
- Banded Line Paper
- Phonogram Commands
- Puzzle Words
- Reading Classification - one usable sample set for each stage and templates to create your own
- Presentation 1: Labeling the Environment Part A (objects) and Part B (sensorial qualities)
- 1 sample: sensorial qualities with template to create labels that match your environment
- Presentation 2: Presentations with Cards with Prepared Labels - Also Known As "3-Part Cards"
- 1 sample set included: B) Scientific Terms (parts of a flag)
- For additional card sets for Parts A (social environment) and C (biology classifications) please visit
- Presentation 3: Definition Stages
- 1 topic sample provided, with all three definition stages for both: Parts of a Flag
- Please see our separate Reading Classification listing for our suggested complete starter package
What will you need to add at home or school?
- A few small objects. Nothing needs to be purchased as you may use objects around the environment already, such as "spoon, car, pen". Please see this blog post at Montessori Trails for more inspiration: Montessori Small Objects.
- Shadowbox to hold some phonogram objects (optional)
- Writing tray (from the writing chapter) - a cutlery sorter works just nicely.
- Your choice of small boxes, baskets or pouches to sort and store some of the materials at your discretion.
- Adult dictionary and a children's dictionary
Language Arts: Reading Skills - Complete Set 3-6
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Tags: primary language, reading, AMI, Dwyer, not pink/blue/green